Tornado and Rainbow Over Kansas

      The scene might have been considered serene if it weren't for the tornado. Last June in Kansas, storm chaser Eric Nguyen photographed this budding twister in a different light -- the light of a rainbow. Pictured above, a white tornado cloud descends from a dark storm cloud. The Sun, peeking through a clear patch of sky to the left, illuminates some buildings in the foreground. Sunlight reflects off raindrops to form a rainbow. By coincidence, the tornado appears to end right over the rainbow. Streaks in the image are hail being swept about by the high swirling winds. Over 1,000 tornadoes, the most violent type of storm known, occur on Earth every year, many in tornado alley. If you see a tornado while driving, do not try to outrun it -- park your car safely, go to a storm cellar, or crouch under steps in a basement.

      如果不是因為有龍捲風,這幅景致或許稱的上安詳恬靜。 2004年六月在堪薩斯州,追風人Eric Nguyen拍攝了這個正在成形的龍捲風,配以不同的景觀 -- 一道彩虹。見上圖,一條白色的漏斗雲從黑色的風暴中延伸而下。 太陽光穿過左邊天空中的一塊縫隙,照亮了幾棟在前景的建築。 陽光被雨滴所折射並形成一道彩虹。巧合的是,龍捲風的尾端看起來剛好就在彩虹上空。 影像中的線條其實是被旋風吹得打旋的冰雹。 龍捲風,我們已知的最狂暴的風暴形式,每年都在地球上發生超過 1,000個,而其中許多位於龍捲風走廊裡。 如果你在開車時看到一個龍捲風,別試圖和它比快 -- 仔細的停好你的車,找個防龍捲風的地窖,或是在地下室裡窩起來避難。

資料來源: Scientific American
                 Department of Physics, NCKU

影像版權與提供: Eric Nguyen (Oklahoma U.)


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